5 Tips in Designing Your Kids’ Rooms

5 Tips in Designing Your Kids’ Rooms

What are tips for designing a kids’ room?

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Play with color
  3. Make space for play
  4. Use decorative storage
  5. Choose safe and easy-to-clean materials


Designing your home can be a fun experience for the whole family. However, it can also be quite a challenge — especially when it comes to your kids’ rooms. Figuring out how to create a functional yet beautiful room that they will still love when they’re older is a pretty tall order.

Need some advice? We have some for you right here. These tips for designing a kid’s room are here to help you strike a balance between practicality, aesthetics, and your kids’ tastes. Whether you’re renovating an existing space or starting from scratch, you’re sure to find some helpful inspiration here.


Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple

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When it comes to your kid’s room, keeping it simple can work wonders. Especially if your kid is on the older side, less can be more. While bright pinks and a themed bed might seem wonderful to a young girl, a teenager probably won’t feel the same way. Many older kids may also want to start decorating their space on their own. By keeping the colors, decor, and furniture on the simple side, you give your kid a neutral canvas that they can easily change as they grow up.

For example, you could choose a white and gray color palette for their furniture, which provides a sort of blank slate for them to work with. This will give plenty of flexibility when they decide on what aesthetic they want. Pair this palette with some vinyl or wood-look tiles, and the room won’t look sterile while you and your child work on their room design.


Play with Color

Play with Color

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Keeping it simple doesn’t mean that you can’t use color at all. Colors are important — they can stimulate their imaginations and their mood. Kids love color, but their favorites may change over time. So, you should choose a design that won’t be displeasing for them in just a year or two.

Consider your kid’s favorite color and how you can use it to create a stimulating, but relaxing atmosphere in their room. One great way of doing so is to take the softer shades of their favorite color and pair them with complementary colors and simple textures. This is what was done in our example above — we made a colorful yet subtle accent wall. Paired with white textile tile design, it makes a calm yet cheerful look for your kid’s room. As a plus, this look is also pleasing even for older children, making it a long-lasting design choice.


Make Space for Play

Make Space for Play

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Making the most out of your child’s space is an absolute necessity — this also includes making enough space for them to play. To create a room your kid will love, make sure they have the room to do what they love the most. Houses with smaller rooms can use this trick to clearly define a play space for your kid. Use storage containers — such as shelves or cabinets — to create little zones in the room.

In these zones, give them the materials they need to work or play. For example, their play area should contain their toys, video games, and other play items. You can also use designs — such as a colorful wall or tile — in this area to stimulate their mood and imagination. Their school area could contain a small desk, a bookshelf, and storage for their school supplies to help them keep focused and organized. You can opt for neutral-colored tiles and walls in this area to help your child focus better.


Use Decorative Storage


Use Decorative Storage

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Kids come with a lot of stuff — they can collect a multitude of toys, games, books, and even clothes of all shapes and sizes. This means incorporating storage is of the utmost importance when designing your kid’s room. Having enough storage will help keep your kid’s room tidy, and their clutter out of sight.

Get creative when adding storage into their room. Make sure that your storage choices are functional, but still blends in with the theme of your room. However, you don’t need to stick with plain storage options — try some decorative ones! You could use bookshelves with interesting shapes to add some style to their room.

Or, you could pair some plain-looking storage with interesting toys. Placing them into different storage nooks can look great when arranged well. For example, you could use white shelves, decorate them with colorful books and stuffed toys, and complete the look with wood-look flooring. This creates an appealing yet warm look for a nautical-themed room.


Choose Safe and Easy-to-Clean Materials

Choose Safe and Easy-to-Clean Materials

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Lastly, when designing your kid’s room make sure that you’re choosing safe and easy-to-clean materials. Kids can be clumsy and cause messes and accidents — it’s inevitable when they’re still growing and learning. This is why you should choose furniture and room materials that create fewer risks for your kid.

When choosing your furniture, avoid ones with glass pieces or sharp corners. If you currently have these kinds of furniture, you can cover these hazards with protective caps. It would also be safer for you to choose furniture with safe sliding and hinging mechanisms. This means avoiding slow-closing mechanisms as it can accidentally pinch or hurt fingers.

When it comes to the room’s materials, consider using tile. As children often drop and spill things, flooring that can withstand that is important. Tile is a durable option for your kid’s room and can withstand dropped objects without wear or dents. As a plus, they’re more water-resistant than other materials — that means things like spilled juice won’t seep in and create bacteria and mold. This also makes it easier to clean — water-resistant means that it naturally resists odors and dirt. Tile is the perfect material when dealing with a growing kid!


Key Takeaway

Designing your kid’s room is a unique challenge, and it can be hard to find the balance between aesthetics and functionality. However, using these tips for designing a kids’ room may be the trick to striking this balance for your home.

Need more design ideas? We have a blog just for you! Floor Center’s posts are made to help you find the most stylish design for your home! Click here to check out our latest design tips and tile tricks.

Have some of your own decorating tips for kids’ rooms? Join our FC Tile Community on Viber to share them with others! You can also contact us to learn more about our tiles and how they can fit into your design.

5 Design Tips for A Modern Home Office

What are design tips for my modern home office?

  1. Go for Dark and Elegant
  2. Opt for Light and Bright
  3. Create Some Contrast
  4. Try Warm Neutrals
  5. Use Sophisticated Marble and Ceramic


Home offices are needed now more than ever in the new reality of the pandemic. With many of us working from home nowadays, creating our workspaces helps us to focus on our professional responsibilities.

For those who haven’t done so yet, knowing how to design your space can help with productivity. So here are some design tips for a modern home office to create your own space that is functional yet aesthetically pleasing.

When it comes to modern home spaces, we recommend going for simple and clean elements. With this design style, we let go of loud, fussy, and dramatic decor. Instead, we keep an emphasis on using neutral color palettes and natural materials. This creates a professional and classy look for the room — perfect for the worker at home!


Go for Dark and Elegant

Go for Dark and Elegant

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You can give your home office a striking look by choosing darker hues with a moody finish. This interior design style draws inspiration from an industrial style and natural elements mixed with a dark color palette. You can use flooring with brown, black, and gray hues — like walnut flooring or stone-look tiles. You can even choose flooring options that use a mix of the three colors.

Your furniture and decor can also help set the tone for your space. Using wood and leather accessories works best with this palette. For example, choosing your seating in brown — such as a leather office chair or couch — can help tie the theme together. You can also fill your shelves with darker colored books, and incorporate an art piece or two with subtle colors.

You can also deviate from a fully dark palette. Shades like black and grey can be complemented by lighter shades, such as soft browns and greens. If you choose to accentuate your design in this way, make sure to use other colors in moderation. This way, you can still keep the character of the elegant design while still giving it some unique charm.


Opt for Light and Bright

Opt for Light and Bright

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If you’re not interested in using darker colors for your office, that’s okay. Light and bright color palettes also work great. Using these colors can bring a fresh and vibrant mood into your space, which can help with your mood and productivity during work hours.

To achieve this design idea, use light color palettes that heavily feature shades of white. You can use light natural tones (such as beige) or pastels (like a light blue) for accents. For decor, you can brighten up your space with shiny materials — such as floor tiles — or by adding some light fixtures around your desk.

This kind of design works best with rooms that have open spaces and lots of natural light. The flooring, walls, and decor that you choose can also help your office feel more spacious and airy.

When choosing the decor, modern Scandinavian furniture can be an absolute hit with light colors. If you’re looking to add some style, choosing simple wood furniture and ceramic knick-knacks also works well in this design. Adding some potted plants can also give the room some bright spots of color. These design elements can create a delicate, yet elegant feel for your home office.


Create Some Contrast

Create Some Contrast

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Using a contrast of colors can also be a great design choice for your home office. Dark colors can look sleek and formal, while light colors can add a touch of simplicity and elegance. Together, they create a stylish palette. This idea is great for those who want their office to have such an aesthetic.

There are many ways to bring this design scheme to life. You can pair white furniture with some white brick walls and dark grey flooring. You can also opt to use darker-colored furniture, and this would not affect the overall feel of the office. When using a mostly white color palette, consider adding a black accent wall to add more contrast to the room.

There is a vast variety of ways to incorporate this theme into your modern office. This versatility when choosing your floors, walls, and furniture can be fun for many homeowners. If you want to create a more detailed look, you can also add decor featuring small designs in black and white. You can also add pops of lively colors — like blue or yellow — to add some bright features to the room.


Try Warm Neutrals

Try Warm Neutrals

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Having a calm atmosphere can be very conducive to your work at home. Using warm neutrals can create that calming effect, and promote your feelings of comfort even when facing stressful work situations. This color palette is perfect for those who want a quiet and serene working environment.

This design scheme is also ideal for a modern and minimalist look for your office. We recommend that you use neutral flooring options — such as light-colored wood or wood-look tile. For walls, you could use plain white to keep the design simple, but you can also use any warm colors with a paler gradient, like a pastel yellow.

With this palette, avoid using any design elements that can create a harsh contrast — such as neon colors — and use as much natural light as possible. Natural light can accentuate the warm hues of your room and highlight any wood and metal elements you decide to include. Using all of these design tips, you can create a soft and warm space for your home office.


Use Sophisticated Marble and Ceramic

Use Sophisticated Marble and Ceramic

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Using marble touches in your design will work for those who want a more sophisticated look for their modern home office. An easy way to integrate these elements is by using marble-look tiles for your flooring. This can then be surrounded with furniture and decor following a brown palette. Using brown — the color of simple elegance and earthiness — is a great way to make an elegant yet cozy space to work.

Marble-look tiles are gorgeous pieces that give a room a lot of character and depth. Each tile would have a unique look to it, with varied designs and colors. With grey and white tiles, they often have cream and brown streaks that complete a luxurious look. These tiles also have a natural luster to them, especially if they’re polished. It provides some distinction and clarity to the design of the modern home office.


Key Takeaway

If you’re looking up some design tips for a modern home office, then this guide is the perfect tool for you. Using these tips, you can experiment with new design ideas and tricks to nail the modern look. With inspirations from natural and industrial elements, these tips can help you design a gorgeous and functional home office.

If you’re planning to start your project, finding the right supplies to redesign your room is an important part of the process. With Floor Center, you will have a variety of tiles to choose from — perfect for any dream design you’re aiming for. Check out our catalog today!

Curious to learn more? Check out our Styles & Ideas Guide here! You’re also invited to join our FC Tile Viber Community Group!

4 Zen Living Room Decor Ideas

4 Zen Living Room Decor Ideas [40x40] F46

What are some Zen living room decor ideas?

  1. Neutral tones
  2. White spaces
  3. Minimalist
  4. Natural stone-look


Originating from Japanese concepts of tranquility, meditation, and relaxation, Zen living room decor ideas have all been about bringing these elements into your home. What started out as a way of life eventually branched out into interior decoration, redefining the way people designed and used each of their spaces. What better way to liven up your home and create a fresh new look than with Zen-inspired looks that explore the roots of introspective architecture?

Any Zen living room focuses on making the entire area as relaxing as possible. It’s getting rid of the zany centerpiece that sticks out like a sore thumb, or the mismatched furniture making everything look outdated. Instead, Zen promotes creativity through a Japanese-inspired way of life — simple, yet alluring; minimal, yet stunning.

If you’ve always wanted to create an elegant living room space with these nuances in mind, then this guide is here to help you out. From versatile tones to outdoor vibes that freshen up your indoors, these ideas below can help you recreate the look into your own space. Check them out!


Neutral Tones

Neutral Tones [30x30] 03P

[30×30] 03P

Many contemporary Zen styles to date tend to veer towards the classic white or black — and for good reason. These two shades are extremely easy to work with. Not only that, but they build the foundation of any Zen interior design — neutral tones bring about a calming and soothing effect to any room, provided that they’re executed well.

Aside from these familiar shades, you’re also welcome to invite other colors like beige, dark blue, dark gray, or even earth tones. Your floral upholstered furniture may be swapped out for modular couches in grey tones, complete with matching accent pillows.

If not your furniture, then you may also apply Zen concepts to your walls, floors, hanging installations, or even passageways. Wooden doors or custom-built nooks, shelves, or any wood-designed storage space add a fitting contrast to the rest of the neutrality.


White Spaces

White Spaces [60x60] ME6010

[60×60] ME6010

In any Zen-to-be living room, you simply can’t go wrong with using white shades. There’s just something about this tone that’s distinctly Zen — it creates a tidy and clean-cut look that makes your interiors feel cohesive, seamless, and well-organized.

You don’t necessarily have to work from the ground up just to incorporate white into your living room. It can be a simple choice of changing the furniture, choosing the right additions, or bringing in more natural lighting into the space.

The idea is to add any shade of white in locations that you see fit. Whether it’s with your varied combination of coffee table decor or what have you, white shades offer a calming effect that’s unmistakably Zen.



Minimalist [60x120] L12601

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Marie Kondo made waves in 2019 for her “KonMari” method of decluttering spaces, tidying up, and getting rid of anything that does not “spark joy”. Many have likened her interior design philosophy to be a subdued version of the minimalist style — subtle, yet completely nails what Zen decors attempt to achieve.

You too could adapt this technique into your living rooms by following a few design conventions. Zen minimalism is the perfect opportunity for you to get organized, starting with this part of your home. Take a look into each piece currently taking up space — any piles of books or papers on flat surfaces simply have to go. Take away anything that doesn’t belong and place them back inside appropriate storage spaces like magazine racks, drawers, mounted shelves, and the like.

Once you’ve taken care of all the mess, try focusing on what you can do to populate the space without being too overwhelming. A small, Japanese-inspired decorative bowl may be a good centerpiece, combined with a small stack of coffee table books to while you or your guests’ time away.


Natural Stone-Look

Natural Stone-Look

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Finally, no modern Zen architecture would be complete without natural stone. Since time immemorial, decorative rock or stone structures have been foundational pieces in Japanese gardens. They have always been the Japanese’s representations of colossal architecture like mountains, Shinto Shrines, or Buddhist statues revered in ancient and modern history.

Now, you can also bring a piece of this tradition to any Zen living room inspiration by choosing natural stone look flooring. Floor Center’s tiles are perfect for this, as they create a sleek surface by which to base other matching Zen pieces. Add fresh pops of color with indoor plants or landscape artwork that ultimately match the vibe you’re going for. Find wooden finishes to complement the stone-inspired flooring and complete the entire look.


Key Takeaway

Zen living room decor ideas may be elusive to the beginner interior decorator, but the key is to understand what this design movement seeks to convey — that is, relaxation, calmness, and introspective spaces.

Try out a combination of these techniques on the list above. Neutral colors make for a perfect backdrop, complete with wood furniture and matching tones. Then, transform the entire space into a fully functional room by taking concepts from minimalist styles for clutter-free and truly Zen living quarters.

Interested in more stylish design tips? Check out our Styles & Ideas Guide to learn more! We’re also welcoming you to our FC Tile Viber Community Group! Be up to date with the latest tile tips, tricks, and trends, wherever and whenever.

4 Interior Design Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

4 Interior Design Tips for First-Time Home Buyers [30x60] Milan13 + [60x60] P147 4

What are some interior design tips for first-time homebuyers?

  1. Plan it out
  2. Invest in good lighting
  3. Personalize the style
  4. Begin with a relaxing color palette


Interior design tips for first time-homebuyers may seem daunting at first, but they’re quite easy to master once the ball gets rolling. If you’re reading this, you’re probably coming up with a number of ways to style your interiors, be it your bedroom, dining room, living room, kitchen, or what have you. Nothing is set in stone yet, but you already have a vague idea of where to place each piece of furniture, what type of lighting to use, and which decorations you may want to put up. The most important thing, after all, is getting everything in the right place.

For new homeowners, the prospect of designing your interiors from the ground up is both challenging and exciting. It’s easy to get swept up in all the newness of the experience. However, you have to keep a few basics in mind. One of which is focusing on both the function and design of your space, so as to make it as conducive to living as possible. Try not to rush into things — instead, take your time and savor the moment of carefully designing your brand new abode. Check out these tips below!


Plan It Out

Plan It Out [30x90] G2C-25NPEA

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Having a plan allows you to figure out what kind of work needs to be done in your house if there are any. When moving into a new location, most people have this tendency of changing everything about the place, even when unnecessary. Doing this will only take up too much of your time and expenses on unneeded repairs. Keep it simple and focus your attention on only the areas that need TLC.

Ask for an existing floor plan of your house — this already includes all the measurements, layouts, and overall structure of the area. From there, you’ll be able to picture where the furniture will be located, where the lampshade will stand, or which areas need a fresh new addition of windows. You can also consider working with an experienced design professional to help you make architecturally sound choices that simply work.


Invest in Good Lighting

Invest in Good Lighting [30x60] Milan13 + [60x60] P147 4

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One mistake that new homeowners make is that they don’t take lighting into consideration early on in the design process. More often than not, this aspect becomes more of an afterthought, with many owners eventually discovering just how inefficiently lit their spaces are.

That being said, the lighting should also be a key factor when designing a new home. In particular, the bathroom and the kitchen should be well lit because this is where the bulk of household activities are done. Aside from buying typical ceiling fixtures, you should also try out accent, ambient, zone, mood, and natural lighting to brighten up the rest of the space.

Kitchens, for example, might do well with an addition of modern pendant lights. Some owners may want to keep it straightforward by using recessed lighting or adding window treatments instead. You can also choose a combination of different lighting techniques to come up with a well-lit and coherent space for the entire property.


Personalize The Style

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While you have all of these style conventions to pick and work on, you should always incorporate a few of your own personal tastes and style in your interior design. You’ve put all your blood, sweat, and tears just to purchase your very own home — it makes sense to make it an extension of your personality.

Design each area in the house according to how you or your family members would use them. Are you a fan of open-plan spaces? Then a multipurpose living room might be to your liking. Want to showcase you or your kids’ artwork? Peppering living room walls with framed pieces make for a quirky and colorful space.

Don’t be afraid to put on a display of your personal collections or transform your bedroom walls into an interactive map canvas that tells the story of all the places you’ve been to. Make your home distinctively you.


Begin with A Relaxing Color Palette

Begin with A Relaxing Color Palette [40x40] F46

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Personalizing your new home is much easier when you have a color palette to work with. For this, try starting off with relaxing color schemes that offer you design flexibility and versatility.

Choose from an array of relaxing color options, such as ivory, white, sage grey, navy blue, sky blue, cream, blush, pale yellow — the list is endless. Each color can create the desired look that you can work around to choose furniture, decor, floor tiles, wall tiles, and other elements.

More than just the design aspect, relaxing tones also have a positive impact on your mood. Interior design is as stressful as can be, but the right colors and pieces can offer relief from all the welcome madness.


Key Takeaway

There you have it — four interior design tips that first-time homebuyers will definitely appreciate when moving into a new home. Remember that you don’t have to limit yourself to these tricks. Focus on finding your own groove and working with a style that not just works from a design standpoint, but also as a place you can call your own.

Whether you’re buying a home for the first time or remodeling your space, make Floor Center’s tiles a part of it! Check out our Styles & Ideas Guide to find more design inspirations you’ll definitely love. You’re also invited to be a part of our FC Tile Viber Community Group! Exchange ideas with fellow homeowners and interior design experts on the latest tile tips, tricks, and trends.

3 Kitchen Makeover Ideas for 2021

3 Kitchen Makeover Ideas for 2021

What are some kitchen makeover ideas for 2021?

  1. All-white
  2. Concealed style
  3. Mosaic backsplash


2020 has seen a majority of our time spent at home in unprecedented numbers. We devoted much of the year to rediscovering the four corners of our abode’s walls, which, suffice to say, has drastically transformed the way we cook, work, relax, and entertain.

Halfway into 2021, we’re beginning to realize that part of this change has affected how each part of our homes functions — with the kitchen, in particular, graduating from a typical household fixture to becoming essential in form, function, and design. Kitchen makeover ideas in 2021 will needless to say become one of the top priorities for homeowners as they continue to embrace versatility, design, and ergonomics.

In this simple list, we’ve rounded up a few design inspirations that you may want to try out for your kitchen. Don’t just settle for the current design — just because it isn’t broken, doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can improve. Any kitchen will always do well with a much-needed remodeling. The trick is to explore a variety of subtle and equally obvious ways of giving your kitchen a whole new vibe. Check them out!




[30X60] Milan10

The all-white kitchen design will always reign supreme over other styles. There’s no other way around it — white offers cleanliness, simplicity, and uncanny modernity that even the boldest colors aren’t able to pull off. This is the perfect design for kitchens whose mismatched tones have unfortunately disappeared into obscurity. Or, it could also be homeowners who simply want to take it down a notch and stick to the basics.

There are various ways to perfectly execute the all-white kitchen, but arguably the easiest one would be to focus on your furniture. Yes, you may want to ditch the traditional wood-carved glass cabinet. It’s time to introduce a fresh new set of modular and handle-less shelves, cupboards, countertop, or what have you.

Add splashes of contrast here and there with your hardware — think stainless steel sinks, range hoods, or even modern pendant lights. Complete the look by bringing in a bit of nature indoors. Small potted plants and reclaimed wooden pieces, for example, complement each other for an overall cohesive style.


Concealed Style

Concealed Style

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Not all kitchens are built the same, that much is true. Some homeowners have the luxury of space, while some are challenged to come up with a standout design despite architectural restraints. This is where the concealed kitchen style might come in handy, especially for open-plan designs that tend to be multifunctional as well.

For chameleon-like kitchen designs, a number of elements work to bring each addition, piece, and fixture together. How well you execute a concealed kitchen depends on its paneling, choice of appliance, lighting, and even hues. This means choosing a fridge that seems to blend in with the rest of the furniture. Refrigerator-in-cabinets are extremely popular, but custom-made looks also work best.

Like the all-white design, you’ll want to minimize your use of hardware — knobs and pulls will only defeat the purpose of concealing kitchen storage or shelving builds. Go for handle-less designs, such as a rail function, push-to-open, or a J-pull.


Mosaic Backsplash

Mosaic Backsplash

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Classic and familiar, the mosaic backsplash is also making a resurgence in 2021. Why settle for plain, paint-colored walls when you can add a nice artsy touch to highlight a part of your kitchen? You don’t have to go overboard by lining every portion of your walls or floors with mosaic pieces. A quaint and unassuming backsplash addition will make your kitchen worthy of an interior design spread.

The multi-toned backsplash tiling on the interior comes in shades of gray, white, and black, which makes for a perfect fit for any modern kitchen. Incorporate contrasts, such as wooden pieces, glossy furnishing, or even a new set of stainless steel appliances. Since these neutral tones tend to generally darken the backsplash area, you can also introduce lighting through sliding glass windows that can breathe in vibrancy and new life into the space.


Key Takeaway

It’s never too late to pick up on the best kitchen makeover ideas in 2021 that will make your space feel fresh and vibrant. We all know that the all-white never goes out of style, but unique ideas like mosaic backsplashes and concealed kitchens definitely add to the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the room. Let these design ideas inspire you to experiment on mix and match, and experiment with different combinations to come up with a kitchen that reflects all the good things that this year has in store.

In need of more design inspirations? Check out our Floor Center Styles & Ideas Guide and find the perfect look for your interiors and exteriors. We are also inviting you to become a part of our FC Tile Viber Community Group! Stay on top of all tile trends — past and present — to come up with timeless and unforgettable designs with our products.

4 Modern Rustic Design Ideas

4 Modern Rustic Design Ideas

What are some modern rustic design ideas?

  1. Gray textile look
  2. Carved white
  3. Natural stone
  4. Brown + white duo


The modern rustic style is a marriage of natural and modern elements. Modern rustic design ideas continue to highlight this uncanny charm in various ways. Designs have always highlighted open-plan spaces, incorporated contemporary furniture while featuring exposed natural elements wherever architecturally appropriate. Perfecting a modern rustic vibe may be elusive, but the key is to focus on simple color schemes and using pieces that bring a little bit of the outdoors inside.

Many people make the mistake of overthinking it when designing a modern rustic room of any kind, but it shouldn’t be the case. It all starts with choosing pieces that will work together from a visual standpoint just as they would on their own. For example, a piece of stainless steel chair is stylish on its own, but pairing it with reclaimed wood or wood-look finishes just takes the aesthetic to a whole new level. Try it out for yourself with these unique ideas below!


Gray Textile Look

Gray Textile Look [30x90] G2C-01NPEA 1

[30×90] G2C-01NPEA

Starting off this list is a gray textile look for your flooring. It’s chic, clean, and simple — all the makings of a modern style that’s surprisingly easy to complement. With neutral tones, you can pretty much choose anything under the sun to balance out contrast and complementary.

Add a splash of color to these unique neutral tiles by using light wooden furniture. If you’re thinking of making them a part of your dining room or kitchen. Take it up a notch with furniture selections, like backless wooden bar stools, a long island table, wooden cabinets, or modular storage shelving, or wood slat cabinets with fresh new hardware.


Carved White

Carved White Milan

Many may be daunted with designing a white modern rustic bathroom, but there’s definitely nothing wrong with going back to basics, as long as you use this shade in a creative way.

Floor Center’s embossed white tiling, in particular, is a classic standout for this kind of interior style. It also works well as a subtle backsplash because the alluring texture offered by these tiles is a breath of fresh air from the usual generic tile fixtures.

What’s more, is that this tile is modern rustic exemplified — add some flair to your space by inviting in a piece of nature through reclaimed wooden elements that can complete the look.


Natural Stone

Natural Stone [60X60] P147 4

[60X60] P147 4

Working with natural stone tiles may be easier for outdoor spaces, but there’s no reason why they can’t be part of the indoors. Along with wooden styles, natural stone floors can elevate your spaces to the next level.

Check out the space above — the large format 60×60 gray tiles help to create a spacious kitchen effect, yet the kitchen doesn’t at all look barren. This is because while the gray color gives off a cohesive look, the modern furnishing and sleek accents create a stunning effect that fills the room. Add a touch of creativity by combining this large format tile with a classy and colorful kitchen backsplash that exude opulence.


Brown + White Duo

Brown + White Duo

[30×30] 3885P + W-04

The best thing about modern rustic is that you can mix and match a combination of high-modern and natural styles to come up with a look that simply works. You don’t have to limit yourself to totally modern or totally rustic — play around with various looks and incorporate classic touches here and there for a nice balance.

Instead of a completely whitewashed dining room, for example, you can take inspiration from the photo above by setting up a dining table complete with semi-tufted side chairs. Then, you can focus on other styles, such as pendant lamps or an industrial-style sink backsplash. Wooden elements and metal inserts, appliances, and cookware will provide the distinct modern rustic finish perfect for your project.


Key Takeaway

Are you looking for perfect modern rustic design ideas to revamp your interiors? This guide teaches you a few key tricks to nail this style. Take inspiration from these looks that will certainly make your home worthy of the modern rustic distinction. From industrial-fusion styles to simple gray looks, these ideas will have you designing gorgeous spaces in no time at all.

Make Floor Center’s tiles a partner to your every home decoration project. Learn more about various style ideas you can do by checking out our Styles & Ideas Guide. You can also be a part of our FC Tile Viber Community Group and exchange stunning tile ideas for your spaces.

4 Tips for an Ultra-Modern Home

4 Tips for an Ultra-Modern Home

What are some tips for an ultra-modern home?

  1. Use sustainable materials
  2. Focus on architectural lighting
  3. Decorate with metallic finishes
  4. Keep it neutral


The rise of the sustainability movement has led to a number of innovations in modern interior architecture. Homeowners are no longer trying to cramp as much decor, furniture, and unnecessary elements into each of their spaces. Instead, they’ve turned towards more restrained practices and ultra-modern home tips to achieve the elusive functionality.

In any ultra-modern home, ergonomics, function, and form take the reins. The ultimate goal of this style convention is to be timeless — as seasons and new trends pop up, ultra-modern will continue to be relevant and viable. Transforming your living space to be consistent with this kind of design, therefore, relies on a few key tricks. It’s all about using sustainable materials, custom-fit architectural pieces, and stylistic lighting — all the while keeping a neutral backdrop that doesn’t become outdated. Check out these tips below for an absolutely stylish ultra-modern abode.


Use Sustainable Materials

Use Sustainable Materials

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When decorating anything ultra-modern, keep in mind that your choice of materials will be crucial in making the entire house look cohesive. With this, you’ll want to choose materials that have been sustainably manufactured or don’t make use of resource-intensive raw materials.

Some great examples include bamboo, reclaimed wood, steel, vinyl, or aluminum. An ultra-modern bathroom can have a customized bamboo hanging rack in place of plastic or even aluminum windows instead of non-biodegradable PVC ones. If you ever plan on painting your walls, opt for toxic-free paint materials that don’t emit any VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).

When you go sustainable, you’re not only staying true to what ultra-modern means. You’re also benefiting from healthier indoor environments, lower maintenance, and increased property value, should you decide to sell it in the future.


Focus On Architectural Lighting

Focus On Architectural Lighting

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As mentioned before, the color scheme for your ultra-modern dwelling will focus mainly on neutral shades and hues. Add a unique contrast by turning your attention towards the type of lighting that you use.

Any ultra-modern inspired lighting should follow the following fundamentals — sleek, functional, mesmerizing, durable, and structural. Before you even think about purchasing a typical buffet or a country-style lamp, it may be best to stick to geometrical designs and custom-built fixtures.

The slender build of arc lamps is a great addition to any space-saving ultra-modern living room, for example, while installing strips of LED lighting in your ceilings gives them a more modern vibe.


Decorate with Metallic Finishes

Decorate with Metallic Finishes

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Aluminum and steel are two of the most sustainable metals and construction materials of choice. It makes sense that you should also complement other ultra-modern elements with metallic objects and decor.

Your kitchen, for example, can do well with a new set of kitchen cabinet hardware that is lustrous and modular in appearance. This gives the entire space a more consistent feel with the rest of your home. To add to that, it can also elevate the look and function of any traditional kitchen area, especially if you have a new set of stainless steel appliances.


Keep It Neutral

Keep It Neutral

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You’ll definitely be working with neutral colors for the rest of your ultra-modern home’s interiors because they offer a clean and sleek palette by which you can build your fixtures, home accessories, and furniture on. While beige, cream, and black are all good places to start, you can also explore other shades, like white, light/dark grey, or even various undertones.

Adorn your walls and rooms with decorations that come in neutral shades. For example, a large wall centerpiece depicting geometric or abstract artwork can blend in well with the rest of the space.

Choose neutral wherever you go, but don’t make your rooms feel too bland or derivative by using the same colors over and over. Practice this whenever you’re adding a certain piece, be it a rug for your bedroom, or even a kitchen countertop.


Key Takeaway

We’ve listed some of the most essential ultra-modern home tips in this guide that will make your living area more stylish, sustainable, and sought-after. The trick is to be restrained with any interior or alternatively, exterior design choice that you make.

Don’t go overboard by littering the space with mismatched additions, instead only focus on the essentials and what will make it as livable as possible. Be smart about the decisions you make when it comes to lighting, furniture, and material. Practice these tricks consistently and you’ll definitely be on your way to designing an ultra-modern house that stands the test of time.

Ready to start with your ultra-modern project? Let Floor Center’s tiles help you build the perfect interiors. Check out our Styles & Ideas Guide here for more design inspirations! We are also inviting you to be a part of our FC Tile Viber Community Group for all you need to know on the latest tile tips, tricks, and trends.

3 Eclectic Home Design Ideas

3 Eclectic Home Design Ideas

What are some eclectic bedroom design ideas?

  1. Stick to the basics
  2. Add diverse elements
  3. Combine different furniture styles


Eclectic designs are a great approach to mix various design movements and conventions to come up with a unique interior. Think about two or more of the most popular ideas you can think of, and there’s a good chance that they can work together to create a cohesive, yet striking look that’s perfect for your home. If you’ve long been dying to achieve an eclectic bedroom that hits the mark on a plane of styles, then there are a few great eclectic bedroom design ideas that just might work for you.

With an eclectic bedroom or any interior for that matter, there may be a tendency to just use two vastly different styles that you can think of. Unless you know how to properly execute them, you might end up with a zany and mismatched bedroom with each element feeling more like an afterthought. You certainly don’t want your bedroom to exude chaos, do you?

Fortunately, the key to nailing the eclectic bedroom lies with a simple concept — harmonious contrast. Don’t be daunted, because it’s all about experimenting and trying out different techniques and decorations. Let these tips below help you get started on the right foot to a stunningly designed eclectic bedroom!


Stick to The Basics

Stick to The Basics

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The first rule of eclectic interior design — don’t overthink it. Instead, start by adding a few splashes of color in a dull-looking room. You can choose from a different spectrum of cool shades, such as green, blue, or even purple. These colors can easily be paired with natural finishes and textured materials when incorporated with a minimalist touch.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to find exactly purple or blue-colored decor. You can keep it natural by choosing beautiful indoor plants, for example. Set up a few pots around the master bedroom — on top of the vanity or bedside table, or wherever you would prefer. Complement these potted greens with decorative accents such as throw pillows, bolsters, duvet, thick blankets, and the like.

You can also focus on the rest of the space by creatively scattering around little adornments of different materials. For example, a wooden music box and Newton’s cradle can work perfectly, especially for a bedroom that also doubles as a home office. It all depends on which two different materials you prefer.


Add Diverse Elements

Add Diverse Elements [15x60] IAI023

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Diverse elements or colors act as the grounding force in any eclectic design, which is why they should also be a part of your bedroom decorating. When mixed with a personal touch, these are some of the easiest styles to work with — they provide you with limitless design freedom without any need for major renovations. They also act as versatile accents, be it on walls, floors, ceilings, or trims.

This is the part where you can begin layering your bedroom with different textures that add both dynamism and casualness to your eclectic-inspired bedroom. Focus on building a solid foundation using soft materials. For example, you can add neutral colored, yet heavily patterned rug that creates a breath of fresh air to single-toned pillowcases, blankets, or furniture.

If you also prefer a softer and fluffier material, jute, silk, and wool rugs may just do the trick. Make sure they sport a neutral tone so that they can work well together with other decors, such as metal glass lamps, textured pieces, and so on.


Combine Different Furniture Styles

Combine Different Furniture Styles

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Have you ever seen a rustic farmhouse cabinet being paired with a stainless steel side table? If you’re new to eclectic interiors, you should know that furniture is one of the best places to begin with. Don’t be afraid if the idea seems too incongruous in your head — you’ll be surprised at the appeal that they provide once executed.

If you have a tufted sofa couch just sitting in your bedroom, enliven it by incorporating another furniture style, such as minimalism, for example. In this case, a modular couch works best, as its simple geometric design ties in well with the softness that the tufted couch offers. Just make sure that they come in more or less the same color palette to achieve both a high-contrast, yet harmonious look.


Key Takeaway

Ready to start decorating an eclectic bedroom? These electric bedroom design ideas above will guide you towards the correct path for this unique, popular, and wholly personalized interior design style.

Keep in mind that although eclecticism demands mixing contrasts, this also means that you have to find the balance to create a cohesive look. By sticking to the basics, layering with diverse elements, and adding different furniture styles together, you can already be on your way to creating a magazine-worthy look that’s simply you.

Floor Center’s tiles are perfect for any kind of interior design. Click here to check out our Styles & Ideas Guide and learn more about what you can do with our tiles! You’re also invited to join our FC Tile Viber Community Group! Be on the frontlines of the latest and must-have tile tips, tricks, and trends for better and beautiful interiors and exteriors.