5 Tips in Designing Your Kids’ Rooms

5 Tips in Designing Your Kids’ Rooms

What are tips for designing a kids’ room?

  1. Keep it simple
  2. Play with color
  3. Make space for play
  4. Use decorative storage
  5. Choose safe and easy-to-clean materials


Designing your home can be a fun experience for the whole family. However, it can also be quite a challenge — especially when it comes to your kids’ rooms. Figuring out how to create a functional yet beautiful room that they will still love when they’re older is a pretty tall order.

Need some advice? We have some for you right here. These tips for designing a kid’s room are here to help you strike a balance between practicality, aesthetics, and your kids’ tastes. Whether you’re renovating an existing space or starting from scratch, you’re sure to find some helpful inspiration here.


Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple

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When it comes to your kid’s room, keeping it simple can work wonders. Especially if your kid is on the older side, less can be more. While bright pinks and a themed bed might seem wonderful to a young girl, a teenager probably won’t feel the same way. Many older kids may also want to start decorating their space on their own. By keeping the colors, decor, and furniture on the simple side, you give your kid a neutral canvas that they can easily change as they grow up.

For example, you could choose a white and gray color palette for their furniture, which provides a sort of blank slate for them to work with. This will give plenty of flexibility when they decide on what aesthetic they want. Pair this palette with some vinyl or wood-look tiles, and the room won’t look sterile while you and your child work on their room design.


Play with Color

Play with Color

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Keeping it simple doesn’t mean that you can’t use color at all. Colors are important — they can stimulate their imaginations and their mood. Kids love color, but their favorites may change over time. So, you should choose a design that won’t be displeasing for them in just a year or two.

Consider your kid’s favorite color and how you can use it to create a stimulating, but relaxing atmosphere in their room. One great way of doing so is to take the softer shades of their favorite color and pair them with complementary colors and simple textures. This is what was done in our example above — we made a colorful yet subtle accent wall. Paired with white textile tile design, it makes a calm yet cheerful look for your kid’s room. As a plus, this look is also pleasing even for older children, making it a long-lasting design choice.


Make Space for Play

Make Space for Play

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Making the most out of your child’s space is an absolute necessity — this also includes making enough space for them to play. To create a room your kid will love, make sure they have the room to do what they love the most. Houses with smaller rooms can use this trick to clearly define a play space for your kid. Use storage containers — such as shelves or cabinets — to create little zones in the room.

In these zones, give them the materials they need to work or play. For example, their play area should contain their toys, video games, and other play items. You can also use designs — such as a colorful wall or tile — in this area to stimulate their mood and imagination. Their school area could contain a small desk, a bookshelf, and storage for their school supplies to help them keep focused and organized. You can opt for neutral-colored tiles and walls in this area to help your child focus better.


Use Decorative Storage


Use Decorative Storage

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Kids come with a lot of stuff — they can collect a multitude of toys, games, books, and even clothes of all shapes and sizes. This means incorporating storage is of the utmost importance when designing your kid’s room. Having enough storage will help keep your kid’s room tidy, and their clutter out of sight.

Get creative when adding storage into their room. Make sure that your storage choices are functional, but still blends in with the theme of your room. However, you don’t need to stick with plain storage options — try some decorative ones! You could use bookshelves with interesting shapes to add some style to their room.

Or, you could pair some plain-looking storage with interesting toys. Placing them into different storage nooks can look great when arranged well. For example, you could use white shelves, decorate them with colorful books and stuffed toys, and complete the look with wood-look flooring. This creates an appealing yet warm look for a nautical-themed room.


Choose Safe and Easy-to-Clean Materials

Choose Safe and Easy-to-Clean Materials

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Lastly, when designing your kid’s room make sure that you’re choosing safe and easy-to-clean materials. Kids can be clumsy and cause messes and accidents — it’s inevitable when they’re still growing and learning. This is why you should choose furniture and room materials that create fewer risks for your kid.

When choosing your furniture, avoid ones with glass pieces or sharp corners. If you currently have these kinds of furniture, you can cover these hazards with protective caps. It would also be safer for you to choose furniture with safe sliding and hinging mechanisms. This means avoiding slow-closing mechanisms as it can accidentally pinch or hurt fingers.

When it comes to the room’s materials, consider using tile. As children often drop and spill things, flooring that can withstand that is important. Tile is a durable option for your kid’s room and can withstand dropped objects without wear or dents. As a plus, they’re more water-resistant than other materials — that means things like spilled juice won’t seep in and create bacteria and mold. This also makes it easier to clean — water-resistant means that it naturally resists odors and dirt. Tile is the perfect material when dealing with a growing kid!


Key Takeaway

Designing your kid’s room is a unique challenge, and it can be hard to find the balance between aesthetics and functionality. However, using these tips for designing a kids’ room may be the trick to striking this balance for your home.

Need more design ideas? We have a blog just for you! Floor Center’s posts are made to help you find the most stylish design for your home! Click here to check out our latest design tips and tile tricks.

Have some of your own decorating tips for kids’ rooms? Join our FC Tile Community on Viber to share them with others! You can also contact us to learn more about our tiles and how they can fit into your design.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Tiles for Kids Rooms

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Why should you choose tiles for kids rooms?

  1. Tiles Are Long-wear
  2. Tiles Are Easy to Clean
  3. Tiles Are Visually Pleasing
  4. Tiles Are More Affordable Than Other Materials
  5. Tiles Can Be Suitable for Tropical Countries


If you have kids at home, you know how messy it can get at times. You can find all sorts of spills from juice to paint. It can be a pain to clean this off a wooden or textile panel. Having fool-proof flooring can help you out. Kids can use tiles for their rooms. In the Philippines, you can choose from a number of different finishes and designs to appeal to the creative and whimsical nature without sacrificing the easy to clean qualities of tiles. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose tiles for kid’s rooms.


Tiles Are Long-wear

Tiles are long-wear, especially if you choose porcelain tiles. Keep in mind that kids love to play and they can create a lot of foot traffic on surfaces. You need to create a space that can withstand stains, warping, scratches, and other forms of wear. Porcelain tiles are made with heat methods that form a material that’s more durable than your typical ceramic tile. This can withstand what your kids throw at it with ease. You can be assured that your tiles will still look great even as your kids grow mellow and learn to relax.


Tiles Are Easy to Clean


Tiles are very easy to clean. Kids have a lot of energy and they will certainly make a mess at one point. They could leave handprints and footprints from sweat which can otherwise damage an untreated surface anytime due to the natural oils created in our skin. It doesn’t matter what your kids throw at the tiles. It can be paint, crayon marks, markers, food, and drinks. All it takes is a mop and a mild cleaner to clean this off your porcelain tiles.


Tiles Are Visually Pleasing

Tiles have a lot of designs you can choose from which allows you to create a visually interesting concept for your interiors. Tiles can allow you to create murals or blank spaces where your kids can get creative using washable paint or markers. You can use wood-look tiles for a cozy look to your kid’s room. The possibilities are endless with different tiles. You can create something that’s visually entertaining, easy to maintain, and can withstand daily wear and tear.


Tiles Are More Affordable Than Other Materials


Tiles are more affordable than carpeting and real wood panels. In reality, you can get the same visual elements with textile-look or wood-look tiles without spending an arm and leg. Should something happen to your tiles such as chipping or breakage, it’s easy to find a replacement piece. Each tile sold on the market is sold as individuals and sets depending on what you decide to grab off the shelf. Individuals are great for replacements or if you’re on a budget. Sets can be economical if you have extra pieces. The prices of these tiles will not come as close to real materials in bulk and is a much better option for kids’ rooms or playrooms with large amounts of foot traffic.


Tiles Can Be Suitable for Tropical Countries

Tiles are usually cold to the touch. This can be great for tropical weather as it won’t absorb heat, especially during the summer. Even if the tile you chose is visually warm, it can still give off a cold vibe that your kids will definitely enjoy during the summer months. Since tiles can’t retain heat, it can be perfect to place in typically warm areas in your home to keep things balanced and cool. It’s great for kitchens, patios and even sunrooms. If you happen to have an open windowed style kids room, keep tiles as a flooring option if you haven’t already.


Key Takeaway

Tiles for rooms in the Philippines is perfect for warm weather and can be child-proof. They’re easy to clean and maintain while handling a lot of wear and tear. You can choose colorful tiles or wood look tiles to add an element of creativity or warmth in your child’s bedroom. If you’re looking for porcelain or ceramic tiles for your kid’s room, you can go to Floor Center by clicking here. Alternatively, you can enjoy our online shop for easy browsing of our catalog.