How Home Design Will Change After COVID-19

How Home Design Will Change After COVID-19

What are the different ways home design will change post-COVID-19?

  1. Emphasis on hygienic building materials
  2. More flexible home layouts
  3. Greater spaces between areas
  4. Requirement for safe outdoor spaces


COVID-19 has affected almost every kind of industry imaginable. You don’t even have to look far to see the effects of the pandemic on most of the economic sectors in the country. Part of this sector is the world of real estate and interior design. There’s no question that home design after COVID-19 will be drastically different from what people have already been accustomed to.

By simply understanding the many implications of the virus on industries, you would also be able to easily imagine the kind of changes and modifications that will be implemented. Two things can be identified as being at the forefront when it comes to post-COVID-19 interior spaces — social distancing and maintenance of proper hygiene. Continue reading to learn more about the many ways home design will be altered after COVID-19.


Emphasis on hygienic building materials

Emphasis on hygienic building materials

After COVID-19 there would likely be a greater emphasis and consideration when it comes to the kind of building materials that are used. In particular, homeowners would likely begin focusing on using easier-to-clean materials and those which do not really require extensive maintenance.

There are many ways for this to be achieved. It can be through something as simple as choosing porcelain or ceramic tiles. Floor Center’s tiles are perfect for this because they not only meet whatever needs you may have, in terms of enhancing appearance, but they’re also not difficult to maintain.

By using these kinds of tiles and building materials of the same nature, you can better guarantee yours, as well as, your family’s safety.


More flexible home layouts

More flexible home layouts

Aside from the utilization of hygienic building materials, many homes that will be built after COVID-19 would prefer the presence of more versatile and flexible home layouts. One cannot underestimate the importance of mental health wellness and physical health wellness — these two are tied together, after all — in coming up with appropriate post-COVID-19 home designs.

Flexible home layouts mean that there would be a construction of more rooms inside a residential space. These rooms are built for the purpose of accommodating a wide variety of activities and simultaneously promoting the need for social distancing. With a higher level of flexibility allotted to each space, there is also more freedom in modifying the function of a particular room.


Greater spaces between areas

Greater spaces between areas

Social distancing is probably one of the most common phrases people may have heard during quarantine. There is a greater need now more than ever to establish spaces as a way of keeping everyone safe from infection or even cross-contamination.

This need for greater spaces would also be reflected in architectural styles after COVID-19. The addition of a larger physical space enables families living inside a house to have a greater breathing room, helping them become more productive and efficient in each of their respective activities as well.

As there is no slowdown in the foreseeable future when it comes to the popularity of work from home setups, ample house spaces provide a key for this.


Requirement for safe outdoor spaces

Requirement for safe outdoor spaces

Authorities have not been stopping short of constantly reminding the public not to go outside. This is, after all, one of the safety measures in giving yourself a better chance of not contracting the virus. However, this isn’t to say that heading outdoors is already a thing of the past — it need only undergo the necessary modifications.

In applying this concept to home design settings, it simply means that more people would likely increase the demand to create safer outdoor spaces for their homes. These outdoor spaces are great in offering homeowners a safer way of enjoying the outdoors, without compromising on their safety. They may experiment on the kind of outdoor space that may want to have for their homes — they may opt for roofed verandas, sturdy backyard decks, a patio, or a gazebo.


Key Takeaway

Home design after COVID-19 may put more emphasis on sanitation and livable breathing space. Depending on the preference of future homeowners, architects may make a variety of suggestions to accommodate these home designs.

Changes in home design, however, are not only limited to the ones which have already been written above — as the virus continues impacting the architectural/home design sector, many more COVID-19 friendly home innovations will eventually flourish. Click here to contact Floor Center for more information!

4 Quarantine Tips to Help You Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic

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What are some tips to help you cope with COVID-19 while in quarantine?

  1. Talk to a trusted friend or family member
  2. Listen to reliable news sources
  3. Read a book
  4. Bond with your family


We live in truly unprecedented circumstances. Many disruptions in the different sectors and industries have altered the way normal operations are typically conducted. For families who are in lockdown, you would need some quarantine tips for COVID-19 because of the various changes in lifestyle that you would have to adapt to.

In coping with the pandemic, you have to tread the fine line of keeping yourself informed about the day-to-day developments while at the same time tuning yourself out from news that can negatively impact your mental well-being.

Fortunately for you, this guide sets out to provide you with some simple tips you can follow at home to help you cope during these trying times. Continue reading to learn more.


Talk to a trusted friend or family member

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In trying to cope during such extraordinary situations, it’s important for us to not be alone. We wouldn’t want to be left pondering on our thoughts by ourselves. When we start bottling up how we really feel about things, we can end up eventually exploding at even just the minor inconveniences. As such, one of the best ways of helping you cope during this pandemic is for you to communicate with a trusted friend or family member.

Apart from the frontliners who have been courageously going beyond the call of duty to prevent the spread of the virus, people with unmanaged anxiety are also heavily impacted by the situation we live in. The fear which they may feel about the day-to-day events means they would also need constant reassurance from a friend or family member that they would be there to help them through it.

If you have anxieties about the situation in the country, you can ease your fears by picking up a phone and contacting someone dear to you. With a trusted friend by your side, you can be sure that you’ll be able to express your worries without fear of being judged. While you may not necessarily eliminate every anxiety you bear within you, the reassurance you’ll receive can help you at least manage it in a healthier manner.


Listen to reliable news sources

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When it comes to informing ourselves about the daily updates regarding the pandemic situation, it’s only right that we listen to only reliable news sources. Listening to accurate information regarding the virus can not only provide us with invaluable knowledge with regards to how we can arm ourselves against this silent enemy – this practice can also help us avoid news that tries to misdirect or to hamper efforts to protect our well-being.

When choosing which news sites you follow or listen to, make sure they have a good reputation in consistently delivering up-to-date and accurate news in the past. Some sources of reliable news include international health arms, like the World Health Organization, or the Philippine Red Cross. It would also be in your best interest to procure your information from government agencies like the Department of Health and other relevant bodies.


Read a book

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Though simple as it may sound, reading a book is one way to help you eliminate any worries you might have about the pandemic situation. When choosing a book to read, you have to ensure that the story piques your interest enough, in that you would end up devoting your focus on energy on it – you need to keep yourself distracted, especially if you’re the kind of person who is not easily reassured whenever you have worries.

This quarantine is also a chance for you to finish books which you haven’t really picked up in a long time. If you have a short attention span, you can try making the task more manageable for you by reading a few pages at a time. Couple your reading sessions with a cup of coffee or any favorite drink for better relaxation.


Bond with your family


Bonding with your family is one of the best ways to help you cope during this pandemic. You’re spending much of your time in the house and the time you all have on your hands is finally an opportunity for you to engage in relaxing activities with one another.

Some simple practices you can do include having dinner together, watching a movie, or simply just resting in your own time, together. You don’t necessarily have to talk about anything. You also wouldn’t have to feel the need to discuss, or give updates about the COVID-19 situation in the country – simply being in their presence might be enough in offering you with some relief.


Key Takeaway

Everyone will definitely have difficulty in coping with the virus. By practicing social distancing and following the regulations on quarantine, we’re doing our part in preventing the further spread of the virus.

As such, it would do you well to inform yourself of the different quarantine tips for COVID-19. While these tips may sound simple, they can go a long way in easing any worries or fears you might have about the entire situation.

There are many ways to heal and cope during this time. The most important thing is that you’re doing what works best for you. Click here for more helpful advice with Floor Center!

How to Fight COVID 19 with Proper Hygiene and the Right Tiles

How to Fight COVID 19 with Proper Hygiene and the Right Tiles

What are some hygiene tips to combat COVID 19?

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Take a bath
  3. Properly clean ceramic tiles
  4. Disinfect rooms


With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, many people have been quick to purchase hygienic products and other sanitary items to help them combat its effects. Some measures which have been imposed by governments include lockdowns as well as stringent social distancing measures. Many people have been looking for ways on how to fight COVID-19 at home.

Something as simple as having the right kind of tiles for your flooring surface can make a big difference in terms of increasing the quality of your family’s overall hygiene at home. Continue reading to learn more about some tips you can follow to maintain proper hygiene while combating the virus.


Wash your hands

Wash your hands

Staying at home for an indefinite amount of time can lead to people becoming too easily complacent about their hygiene and how properly they practice it around the presence of others. There is a tendency for some people to just lie down in their beds for the entire day without even so much as moving a muscle. However, it’s highly important to maintain hygiene through simple practices such as washing your hands as much as possible.


Take a bath

Take a bath

If you’re not working from home or have to run errands at the grocery store, bank, etc., you obviously run the risk of exposing yourself to different types of bacteria because of being exposed outside. You may not be aware of it, but interacting with large groups will unknowingly lead to some of the pathogens or bacteria getting on your clothing. This is why as soon as you get home, take a long shower before you greet your family. While this task may be fairly simple, you’re giving yourself more of a fighting chance to avoid contracting a highly-contagious virus.

Properly clean ceramic tiles

Another proper hygiene tip you can follow during the lockdown is to properly clean the ceramic tile flooring in the different parts of your house. You may not be entirely aware of it, but someone who might have come from outside may have unknowingly left with them bacteria and other kinds of dirt on the soles of their shoes.

While ceramic tile flooring is already durable, cost-efficient, and requires only low maintenance, there is no better way to enhance these desirable properties by subjecting them to regular maintenance.

Before cleaning your ceramic tile surface, ensure you’ve undergone the proper surface preparation methods. This is for the purpose of removing any mounds of dust or loose debris in the process. Do this with either a broom or a vacuum cleaner for maximum results. After, use a tile-safe all-purpose cleaner, or mop every inch of the ceramic tile surface with a mild detergent solution.


Disinfect rooms

Disinfect rooms

Finally, another effective method of maintaining proper hygiene is by using effective air treatment products in order to disinfect a particular room.

Depending on the kind of product that you have, your room would start smelling good and will become relatively germ-free in no time. When disinfecting rooms, particularly the kitchen, you should ensure the chemicals of the product aren’t getting into any food items which might render them inedible.

Furthermore, you can also use this opportunity to clean the various high-activity items in a room. These items might be doorknobs and door handles, sinks, showerheads, light switches, or even toothbrushes. By thoroughly cleaning these objects, you’re increasing your home’s resistance against the transmission of the virus.


Key Takeaway

If you’re not yet aware of how to fight COVID 19 at home, then you don’t need to be overwhelmed because the guide above has set it out simply for you. You can achieve proper hygiene through simple tasks like taking showers, washing dishes, cleaning your ceramic tiles, and the like.

The best piece of advice is to as much as possible subject anything that may have come into human contact to proper cleaning. Having the right kind of ceramic tiles for your home also greatly helps in fighting the virus. Floor Center’s tiles are low-maintenance and can easily be cleaned, giving your home a better chance of arming itself against COVID 19. Click here to check out more helpful tips with Floor Center!