Tips to Buy Tiles Online

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How do you shop for tiles online?

  1. Register at Floor Center
  2. Choose Your Tile
  3. Check Out the Tile Calculator
  4. Choose Your Payment Option
  5. Wait for Your Package


Online shopping is very popular due to its convenience and accessibility. Almost everyone is connected to the internet. You can virtually buy anything you want as long as you have a connection. Did you know you could also buy tiles online? You can find amazing deals at Floor Center’s new online shop! To effectively shop for tiles online at Floor Center, here are some tips and tricks you can follow.


Register at Floor Center

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To begin shopping, you first need to register an account at Floor Center. Proceed to and make your own account.

Make sure all your information is accurate and updated. Input the proper address and contact number. This is all basic information but you can still run into a shipping mishap. Most shops will send an email or call for confirmation. You can always contact customer service if you have concerns.


Choose Your Tile

If you’ve been planning on retiling parts of your home, Floor Center’s website can get you set up with various industry-standard tiles for your interiors and exteriors. There are over 500+ tiles to choose from, so make sure you take your time when shopping. Floor Center’s website offers a wealth of information, including the price, measurement, availability, and tile code. Make sure that you’re checking all of this when you’re shopping for tiles. Descriptions are created to make it easier for you to shop.

When you find the tiles you want, just click add to cart.

Check Out the Tile Calculator

To accurately see how many tiles you need, there’s a tile calculator you can use on the website as well. All you need to do is to place the length and width of your room. Then you input the tile size you’ve chosen. This handy calculator will do the hard work for you and tell you how many tiles you need!


Choose Your Payment Option

You can choose to pay for your tiles through card, cash on delivery, or through our most convenient payment gateway, DragonPay. Pick one that works best for you. Make sure that you have someone ready to receive the package if you plan you’re not at home during that day.


Wait for Your Package

Once you’ve finished all these steps, you’ll only need to wait 3-5 days if you’re a Metro Manila resident. We deliver straight to your doorstep and all you have to do is be patient and wait for your package. Once it arrives, make sure to check your pack


Key Takeaway

Floor Center’s site is easy to navigate and intuitive. You can get all the tiles you need at the comfort of your home by getting your tiles online at Floor Center. To successfully buy tiles online from our site, you can follow these tips. When you’re navigating Floor Center’s site for your tiles, remember these tips to ensure a successful transaction. Click here to start shopping at our website now!