4 Decorating Ideas for Children’s Rooms

Mother and little son fun at home with dog

How can you decorate children’s rooms?

  1. Mix and match contrasting colors
  2. Add unique accents
  3. Organize the space
  4. Pastel is the new neutral


At some point, you may have thought about decorating ideas for your children’s rooms. You just want to make your child’s living quarters more fun and stylish than your own. The best part is, you can play around with different designs. The sky’s the limit!

For your kids’ spaces, you’re not constrained with the colors and patterns that you use. You do want to think about how well they’ll fit with all the other elements of the bedroom. Ultimately, you want to build a livable space for your child. At their age, they’re very active and like to move around. With these tips, you can easily style a children’s room that your kids will surely love.


Mix and match contrasting colors

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[15×60] A1024

Mixing contrasting colors is a great way to bring out the vibrancy of your kids’ rooms. As much as possible you want to make this room a reflection of themselves. The brighter, bolder, and more outrageous the colors are, the better.

You can add a splash of color to any part of the room. For walls that come in a lighter shade choose contrasting colors that can separate each element in the room. You can add any contrast to different parts of the room — it’s all up to you, really. For floors, using a darker-shaded wood is a perfect contrast to a lighter shade wall. Ceramic wood-look flooring is a good option as this has better grip which allows your child to move around without worrying for accidents.


Add unique accents

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[60×60] M76-4

Adding accents is the key to imbibing a sense of texture in children’s rooms. Accents are found everywhere — from the bedding, linen, pillows, lighting, furniture, wall, floor, carpets. The list is endless, in fact, even your kids’ favorite toys could be considered as accents.

As much as possible, you’ll want to make the accents as playful as possible. Take this redecorating activity as a collaborative opportunity between you and your child. If they want to include their favorite cartoon character prints, then let them. Complement this by adding your own touch — add some kid-friendly patterned carpeting, bedside tables, study desks, or even miniature indoor plants.

It’s also essential to invest in timeless flooring because kids have a tendency to constantly run around and play in their rooms. Matte and rustic surfaces are proven to be the ideal option due to their slip-resistant qualities and hassle-free maintenance.

There’s no doubting that all of these elements will eventually come together to form a fun-loving room that your kids will love.


Organize the space

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[30×30] KLD0708-2

Children just love to play with their toys. The thing is, they may not always know how to keep them in place. In fact, you might find your children’s toys just strewn all over the floors of your house. While teaching them the importance of neatness and cleanliness is important, the best way to emphasize this is through their bedrooms or play spaces.

As much as you want your kids’ rooms to be playful, you also want to make sure that it’s organized. The best way of doing this is by adding neat and nifty storage drawers, cabinets, boxes, compartments, or slats that can go well with the overall design of the room.

During your redecorating make sure that you leave out enough room size for these storage accents. You can paint and customize them to add a splash of color. For something more minimal, go for cabinets or small drawers that come in basic tones, like white, gray, black, or pastel. You can also exercise your creativity by adding custom-built storage designs like built-in drawers, slats, or floating shelves.


Pastel is the new neutral

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[60×60] M77

Color is undeniably an important factor as to how the look of your children’s bedroom will come together. Pastel colors were originally a trend that came about some time during the 50’s and 60’s but is becoming more and more of a staple for contemporary interiors. Going with pastel can even serve as a stylish yet practical option for when your child transitions from the toddler to adolescence stage.

As previously mentioned, matte surfaces are the best flooring choice for children’s rooms – the M77 is another great example. This high-quality textile design provides slip-resistant qualities that will give you more peace of mind when your child plays and does physical activities.


Key Takeaway

With these decorating ideas for your children’s rooms, you’ll surely come up with a space that your child will enjoy staying in.

As mentioned before, a good tip when it comes to children’s rooms is to use up all your creativity. You’ll want to emphasize both the playfulness and livability of the space without sacrificing harmony. Once you find the right styles, you can now begin designing any of your kids’ rooms with ease.

Want to come up with more awe-inspiring children’s room designs for your kids? Check out Floor Center’s tile collections here!

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Reasons Why You Should Choose Tiles for Kids Rooms

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Why should you choose tiles for kids rooms?

  1. Tiles Are Long-wear
  2. Tiles Are Easy to Clean
  3. Tiles Are Visually Pleasing
  4. Tiles Are More Affordable Than Other Materials
  5. Tiles Can Be Suitable for Tropical Countries


If you have kids at home, you know how messy it can get at times. You can find all sorts of spills from juice to paint. It can be a pain to clean this off a wooden or textile panel. Having fool-proof flooring can help you out. Kids can use tiles for their rooms. In the Philippines, you can choose from a number of different finishes and designs to appeal to the creative and whimsical nature without sacrificing the easy to clean qualities of tiles. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose tiles for kid’s rooms.


Tiles Are Long-wear

Tiles are long-wear, especially if you choose porcelain tiles. Keep in mind that kids love to play and they can create a lot of foot traffic on surfaces. You need to create a space that can withstand stains, warping, scratches, and other forms of wear. Porcelain tiles are made with heat methods that form a material that’s more durable than your typical ceramic tile. This can withstand what your kids throw at it with ease. You can be assured that your tiles will still look great even as your kids grow mellow and learn to relax.


Tiles Are Easy to Clean


Tiles are very easy to clean. Kids have a lot of energy and they will certainly make a mess at one point. They could leave handprints and footprints from sweat which can otherwise damage an untreated surface anytime due to the natural oils created in our skin. It doesn’t matter what your kids throw at the tiles. It can be paint, crayon marks, markers, food, and drinks. All it takes is a mop and a mild cleaner to clean this off your porcelain tiles.


Tiles Are Visually Pleasing

Tiles have a lot of designs you can choose from which allows you to create a visually interesting concept for your interiors. Tiles can allow you to create murals or blank spaces where your kids can get creative using washable paint or markers. You can use wood-look tiles for a cozy look to your kid’s room. The possibilities are endless with different tiles. You can create something that’s visually entertaining, easy to maintain, and can withstand daily wear and tear.


Tiles Are More Affordable Than Other Materials


Tiles are more affordable than carpeting and real wood panels. In reality, you can get the same visual elements with textile-look or wood-look tiles without spending an arm and leg. Should something happen to your tiles such as chipping or breakage, it’s easy to find a replacement piece. Each tile sold on the market is sold as individuals and sets depending on what you decide to grab off the shelf. Individuals are great for replacements or if you’re on a budget. Sets can be economical if you have extra pieces. The prices of these tiles will not come as close to real materials in bulk and is a much better option for kids’ rooms or playrooms with large amounts of foot traffic.


Tiles Can Be Suitable for Tropical Countries

Tiles are usually cold to the touch. This can be great for tropical weather as it won’t absorb heat, especially during the summer. Even if the tile you chose is visually warm, it can still give off a cold vibe that your kids will definitely enjoy during the summer months. Since tiles can’t retain heat, it can be perfect to place in typically warm areas in your home to keep things balanced and cool. It’s great for kitchens, patios and even sunrooms. If you happen to have an open windowed style kids room, keep tiles as a flooring option if you haven’t already.


Key Takeaway

Tiles for rooms in the Philippines is perfect for warm weather and can be child-proof. They’re easy to clean and maintain while handling a lot of wear and tear. You can choose colorful tiles or wood look tiles to add an element of creativity or warmth in your child’s bedroom. If you’re looking for porcelain or ceramic tiles for your kid’s room, you can go to Floor Center by clicking here. Alternatively, you can enjoy our online shop for easy browsing of our catalog.