Best Tiles to Style Your Den

Best Tiles to Style Your Den

What are the best tiles to style your den?

  1. Polished grey 612F12G-1
  2. Glossy cream S4040V
  3. Matte brown Q83-003PG
  4. White oak wood style LD6187-5A*
  5. Porcelain wood design 2100P2


When styling your den, it’s a good idea to think of it as a cross between your bedroom and the living room. Because of the many activities that you can do in your den, it can be tricky to think about how to decorate it. You need to make sure that you have just the best den tiles, the right furniture arrangement, the most ideal lighting, and the most ergonomic layout in order for you to create a den that really matches your home and your family’s personality.

It’s always a good idea to start off with choosing the right set of floor and wall tiles. Skip the wallpaper or the paint coating especially if you truly want to come up with a unique design. Instead, try to experiment with various tile styles that can reflect the spirit of this part of your house. Read on to check them out!


Polished Grey 612F12G-1

Polished Grey 612F12G-1

[60×120] 612F12G-1

There is some misconception that grey colors can be dull and bland. However, choosing grey palettes can be one of the best decisions that you can make for your den. Due to their subtle and unassuming color, they end up as a versatile floor or wall tile finish that can easily complement the other objects in your den.

Let’s start with the polished grey 612F12G-1 tile. At first glance, this tile has all the makings of a sleek design. It sports a natural stone look that can give your den both a rustic and a modern vibe all at once. Pair it with any vibrant, or any bright-shade fixture of your choice to really make its grey and natural white streaks pop up.

For your furniture, for example, a good choice would be any contemporary-style armchair with a wooden accent to it. Vibrant, but at the same time not too overwhelming, the hint of wood reflects beautifully on the surface of your floors. You can also add your own assortment of indoor plants to add more life to the space.


Glossy Cream S4040V

Glossy Cream S4040V

[40×40] S4040V

Some people may prefer traditional styles for their den. After all, nothing beats the luxurious vibes that old-fashioned designs give off. This appearance can easily transport an area of a home into a mid-century world whose interiors are a reflection of the design and architectural trend of its time.

The best tile to achieve this look is this glossy cream tile that also features hints of pale-shaded brown patterns on its surface. Lovers of the marble design will easily enjoy this tile because of the opulent atmosphere that it can give any den.

Unless you want to mix and match different style trends, the best way to do justice to this tile is by combining it with other classic looks. Go for European-style furniture that is elegant and features classic shapes and designs. To further add personality to your den, accents like door accent cabinets or wood moldings/trims can complete the entire look.


Matte brown Q83-003PG

Matte brown Q83-003PG

[30×90] Q83-003PG

If you’re a lover of retro styles, then this matte brown Q83-003PG tile can make your dreams of a retro-inspired den come true. Although the retro period was known for its eye-popping visuals and bold interior designs, there are also styles that incorporated their own share of minimalist looks.

This matte brown tile is the perfect fit because of its light shade that will definitely brighten up your retro-stylized den. For accents, try to incorporate classic wooden window sills that are supported by single-hung windows to allow natural lighting to enter the space.

Finalize the look by adding your own versions of custom-fit designs, fixtures, accents, or even other structures made of different materials like exposed beams. You can also opt for bare masonry walls.


White oak wood style LD6187-5A

White oak wood style LD6187-5A

[30×60] LD6187-5A

Artistic interior decorators might have a lot of fun mixing and matching with this white, oak wood style on our list. With this tile, you’ll certainly enjoy the feel of working with different patterns and colors that are quirky, yet certainly make for an aesthetically-appealing and artistic choice.

Choose light furniture that can help maximize the space of your den. While style is important, functionality is also something that you should take into consideration. Don’t be afraid to add any ornaments that you think will help breathe life into the room, whether it be a small coffee table, custom-mounted shelves, or craft decor of your choice.


Porcelain wood design 2100P2

Porcelain wood design 2100P2

[20×100] 2100P2

Your den should be a relaxing space to just chill out and spend a few hours doing simple activities whether alone or with your family. Another unique look that you can add to your den styling ideas is this beach house-inspired den that features a porcelain wood-look design.

The 2100P2 is all about minimalism and relaxation. Its features are best highlighted by adding decor like summer indoor plants, miniature drop lighting, rattan decor, small coffee tables, and the like. You don’t have to think too much when it comes to styling with this tile because it’s so simple — just imagine the den that’s ideal for comfort and rest without sacrificing beauty.


Key Takeaway

The best den tiles on this list can help you achieve almost any look that you can dream of. For example, you can work with these tiles to get the dream summer room, retro den, or contemporary living space that you’ve always dreamed of. As long as you stick to the most trusted styling conventions while incorporating your own flair and artistic touch, these tiles will definitely aid in your interior design endeavors.

Want to learn more about how to decorate your rooms? Check out our styles and ideas collection here! We’re also on Viber! Be a part of our FC Tile Community Group and be the first to know about the latest tile tips, tricks, and trends.